Friday, January 21, 2011


Wow!! E has been accepted to Connections Academy. Assessment test is done for D. Paperwork is all faxed in tonight. That means... we will be a homeschooling family in one and a half to two weeks from now.

I have so many mixed emotions about it. I know I need to get my kids schooling at home. I know this. However, I am worried that I will not be strict enough with them to get the schooling done each day. At first I will probably be overly strict, then I might be too lax, then I hope I am able to find middle ground.

I have a really good feeling deep down that,
  1. we will be a closer family
  2. we will learn over time how to manage our time better
I feel like right now we struggle because we get up in the morning just in time to get the kids dressed, fed and out the door. Then the kids come home, we get what we need to get accomplished, we fight about homework (not every night, but all too often), we eat dinner, read scriptures, and jump into bed. (We are usually fight with the girls to stay in bed.) I feel like we try and we want to be good, but we fight with the kids too much because we are tired and stressed with what is going on around us.

I feel like homeschooling will still be stressful, but I feel like it will be a different type stress. One that we can take on better, over time.